
zaterdag 22 maart 2014

Zaterdagzwijmel Zo is het leven

Laat je niet om de tuin leiden door de fijne muziek.

To some, rainy days are cold and sad
To me, they have all the warmth their body gives me
To Adam, the greatest sin was that apple
To Eve, the enormous desire to make him sin

To some, death is a fatal and terrible blow
To others, just a ticket to freedom
He who carries money, asks the Almighty to protect him
He who robs, asks the Almighty to allow him to rob

That's life, ironic as it is
Some shoulder the cross others must carry
That's life, illogical as it is
Each of us, in the end, has a story to tell or to quell
That's life, as it is...

There are those who spend their lives at the bottom of a bottle
There are those who think that inflating their veins they can fly
That's not the wisest way to find the answer
It's not the same to summon the devil as it is to see him arrive

That's life, ironic as it is
Some shoulder the cross others must carry
That's life, illogical as it is
Each of us, in the end, has a story to tell or to quell
That's life, as it is...

With a kiss, the most profound love can be expressed
With a kiss, Judas sold out Christ
And I need to know why it is that always the poor of the world
down here on Earth are never paid any attention

That's life, as it is, illogical as it is
ironic, drastic...

That's life, ironic as it is
There are many who suffer carrying the cross on their shoulders
Listen to me well, that others must carry

That's life, as it is, illogical as it is
Though difficult to accept so many things
everything has its reason for being

That's life, confront it
Ironic as it is, sometimes cruel and dramatic
Sometimes beautiful and magic, it's all part of this life

That's life, as it is, illogical as it is
I believe in cause and effect
I'm of those who think whoever causes harm
life pays back with the same currency

That's life, life, ironic as it is
Because if we search for freedom
we soon find ourselves in wars, just because of politics

That's life, ironic, illogical as it is
Enjoy what you have without thinking
about what hasn't come your way
Of that, God will take care

That's life, life, ironic as it is
Some inflate their veins
looking for an answer
and they have a sad ending

That's life, illogical as it is
ironic as it is, drastic
It's simply life

1 opmerking:

  1. Het klinkt inderdaad als een vrolijk liedje maar de tekst (en de beelden in de clip) spreken een andere taal.
    Heel mooi!


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