
woensdag 1 september 2021

Wijs op woensdag

 A question to ask yourself each morning, Cellie, that really lights fires, gongs bells, and summons resources is "What little, mortal, baby steps can I take today that will demonstrate expectancy, prepare for my dream's manifestation, and above all, place me within reach of life's magic?" 

Please, Cellie, ask this question and then take those steps, and I promise you'll go down in history as a giant among your kind. 

It's never too late, 
  The Universe

1 opmerking:

  1. Hoi Cellie,

    little steps...
    Ja... dat is een mooie wijze les.
    Ik doe mee.
    Stapje voor stapje...
    Echt mooi!

    groetjes van Marlou


Commentaar wat kwetsend of gewoon stom is haal ik weg. Mijn blog is mijn veilige plek.